Daily Digest
Daily Digest:
May 21, 2012: I just returned from the PRISM International Annual Conference, held at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. It was great to see so many friends, and the educational content was exceptional. For 2 days prior to the conference, PRISM held it's Privacy + Certification classes, and the turnout was impressive! This industry certification is a great way to ensure that your operation is working towards becoming more compliant. Our clients are demanding that we prove to them that we know how to protect their information. It was once again a privilege to be counted as an instructor at Privacy +, along with so many intelligent people that covered so many different aspects of what it takes to not only be more compliance focused, but also how to get there in a practical and sensible manner. For more info, go to www.prismintl.org.
Misplaced data leave 800,000 Californians exposed
Notable Data Breaches
Smartphones Linked to Identity Theft - What Every Employer Needs to Know
Myspace Settles FTC Charges That It Misled Millions of Users About Sharing Personal Information with Advertisers
Ikea Must Defend Itself in Consumer Class Action