Broadcasts and Videos
Tom has been the guest several times on The RIMpro Report, a weekly broadcast for the RIM Service industry which is hosted by Tom Adam's. Check out these episodes by clicking on the respective links:
Show 09, at the 21 minute mark: "Tom has led the charge at Kent to ensure that all of their staff understand and comply with HIPAA related requirements in their record center."
Show 37: "Today we chat with Tom Dumez, who serves as the Task Group 1 Conference Planning Chairman for the upcoming Miami PRISM International Annual conference. We also talk about some compliance issues."
Show 66: "Tom trains RIM company employees to fully understand HIPAA compliance and their role in it. We had Tom on the show about a year ago but on today's show I wanted to catch up with him about what he is seeing in the industry related to compliance."
Show 100: "To celebrate the 100th episode of the RIMpro Report, Tom offered a 50% discount training to the winner of the drawing."
The winner of this prize was Jeff Hamra, of Titan Data Vault, located in Tulsa, OK.
"Inside The Records Room", hosted by Ray Davis and Jeff Glover. January 11, 2011.